What is Self-Publishing?

Self-publishing is the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry and allows the author to be in complete control of the creative and marketing process. When you self-publish a book, YOU are the publisher. This means the finished copies, the copyright, all subsidiary rights, and all profits are exclusively yours!

Profit is not always the primary goal of publishing a book. Your book may be written to explore your own interests or to provide specific needs for an organization, business, or family. Authors find there are many reasons to self-publish.

At Morris Publishing® we provide a full line of services to create an attractive, professional, high-quality book. We can print 25–5,000 copies very economically so you can publish a book that meets your objectives. Our printing process includes top-of-the-line quality control at every step which sets us apart from the nation’s largest print-on-demand providers. Your book is manufactured to last.

We've printed books of all kinds for authors, indie publishers, organizations, and businesses all across the USA. Our step-by-step process makes it easy to realize your dream of becoming a published author.

Find out why our customers think our service, quality, and value make us one of the best self-publishing companies.

7 Reasons to Self-Publish

Self-Publishing Benefits - 1. Time

1. Time

Most traditional publishers have long production cycles. Once we receive your approved proof, your order ships in 15 business days or RUSH service of 10 business days.

Self-Publishing Benefits - 2. Profit

2. Profit

A traditional publisher will finance the project, but may only offer a 5%–20% royalty. Why not self-publish and earn a 40%–400% margin? All book profits are yours!

Self-Publishing Benefits - 3. Ownership

3. Ownership

By self publishing, you own all book rights. A traditional publisher would own the rights and, if they lose interest in your book, you cannot print your book unless you purchase those rights back.

Self-Publishing Benefits - 4. Niche

4. Niche

Traditional publishers are less inclined to take on a book that is topic-specific because they prefer books with mass market appeal. However, your book may fill a niche that has not been met and you can "test the waters" with short-run book printing.

Self-Publishing Benefits - 5. Locality

5. Locality

Books about local or regional topics are usually produced by local authors in short-run quantities. Large publishers generally decline publishing these books because of limited sales potential.

Self-Publishing Benefits - 6. Control

6. Control

Self-publishing gives you the final say on all aspects of your book.

Self-Publishing Benefits - 7. Legacy

7. Legacy

Making money is not the only reason to publish. Sharing what you have learned, building your career, or leaving a family legacy are admirable motives.